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Reviews by user

admin wrote a review for DESERT STAR PARK
- 02 Sep 2016

• Like: Lots of green land and space to exercise. It has a place to do exercise abs push up step up, leg lift, chin up, hyperrex tension bench....

admin wrote a review for SUNRIDGE PARK
- 02 Sep 2016

• Like: I like that it is very lighted that it has a lot of light and there are always people playing football basketball and people by horse....

admin wrote a review for SUENO PARK
- 02 Sep 2016

• Like: Large it has a lot of space.
• Gusto: Grande tiene mucho espacio.

• Dislike: Dirty restrooms.
• Disgusto: Baños sucios...

admin wrote a review for SUENO PARK
- 02 Sep 2016

• Like: It is very big to walk around and the play area is safe.
• Gusto: Es muy grande para caminar y el area de juegos esta muy segura...

admin wrote a review for STARLIGHT PARK
- 02 Sep 2016

• Like: There is hardly anything and very badly treated
• Gusto: casi no ay nada y muy mal tratado

• Dislike: That there are hardly...

admin wrote a review for STARLIGHT PARK
- 02 Sep 2016

• Like: I like the volleyball court and the recess patio.
• Gusto: Me gusto la cancha de volibol y el patio de recreo.

• Dislike: I...

admin wrote a review for ORME PARK
- 02 Sep 2016

• Like: It is clean.
• Gusto: Esta limpio.

• Dislike: It is missing a lot of things.
• Disgusto: Le hace falta muchas cosas....

admin wrote a review for ORME PARK
- 02 Sep 2016

• Like: It is green and it is filled with trees.
• Gusto: Esta verde y esta llenado de arboles.

• Dislike: The park has a really...

admin wrote a review for MARYVALE PARK
- 02 Sep 2016

• Like: I like that it has a pool.
• Gusto: Me gusta q tiene albarca.

• Dislike: The restrooms
• Disgusto: Los baños

admin wrote a review for MARYVALE PARK
- 02 Sep 2016

• Like: Well we like everything.
• Gusto: Pues a nosotros nos gusta todo.

• Dislike: Nothing
• Disgusto: Nada