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Reviews by user

admin wrote a review for MARYVALE PARK
- 02 Sep 2016

• Like: I like it because there is the pool it has a library has a gymnasium.
• Gusto: Me gusta por que esta la alverca tiene librería tiene...

admin wrote a review for MARYVALE PARK
- 02 Sep 2016

• Like: It was green, clean.
• Gusto: Esta verde, limpio.

• Dislike: That in the ramada there were homeless sleeping en the restrooms...

admin wrote a review for MARYVALE PARK
- 02 Sep 2016

• Like: It is green, clean.
• Gusto: Esta verde, limpio.

• Dislike: The restrooms were closed, the area where the kids were playing,...

admin wrote a review for MARIVUE PARK
- 02 Sep 2016

• Like: The variety.
• Gusto: La bariedad

admin wrote a review for MARIVUE PARK
- 02 Sep 2016

• Like: I like that it is very clean and familial.
• Gusto: Me gusto que es muy limpio y familiar.

We do recommend this park it is...

admin wrote a review for HOLIDAY PARK
- 02 Sep 2016

• Like: I like that there are rides to play for the kids and that there see a pool and above all that there is for basket.
• Gusto: Me gusta...

admin wrote a review for HOLIDAY PARK
- 02 Sep 2016

• Like: I liked it because it is close to my house and take my girls to play.
• Gusto: Me gusto porque esta muy cerca de mi casa y llevar a...

admin wrote a review for FALCON PARK
- 02 Sep 2016

• Like: It is big there are different courts, many trees, security is felt.
• Gusto: Esta grande hay diferentes canchas, muchos arboles, se...

admin wrote a review for EL OSO PARK
- 01 Sep 2016

• Like: The truth we do like it also
• Gusto: L a verdad si nos gusta tanbien

• Dislike: That the restrooms are very filthy

admin wrote a review for EL OSO PARK
- 01 Sep 2016

• Like: The kids rides.
• Gusto: Los juegos de los niños.

• Dislike: The wood chips that are on the floor of the kids' area.