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Reviews by user

admin wrote a review for CIELITO PARK
- 23 Nov 2016

• Like: It has a good variety. There is a lot of trees. It is very big.
• Gusto: Tiene Buena variedad. Hay varios átboles. Está muy grande...

admin wrote a review for WINDSOR PARK
- 23 Nov 2016

• Like: green grass, well maintained
• Gusto: pasto Cerda, bien mantenido

• Dislike: It is too small about three houses long and...

admin wrote a review for GRAND CANAL LINEAR PARK
- 23 Nov 2016

• Like: grass area, ramada, sitting area, small playground, small trees
• Gusto: area de pasto, ramada, area de asiento, pequeño campo de...

admin wrote a review for PASADENA PARK
- 23 Nov 2016

• Like: Volleyball court, clean, basketball court, ramada, field, trees
• Gusto: Cancha de voleibol, limpio, cancha de baloncesto, una...

admin wrote a review for ORME PARK
- 23 Nov 2016

• Like: There was a lot of people/kids playing. It’s clean. The playground is fun.
• Gusto: había mucha gente y niños jugando. Es limpio. El...

admin wrote a review for LADMO PARK
- 23 Nov 2016

• Like: The playground is nice and the landscaping is also nice.
• Gusto: El area de juegos es lindo y el paisajismo también es lindo.

admin wrote a review for MARYVALE TOT LOT PARK
- 23 Nov 2016

• Like: I like that it is very close to where I live
• Gusto: que está muy cerca de donde vivo.

• Dislike: We did not like that this...

admin wrote a review for WINDSOR PARK
- 02 Sep 2016

• Like: I like that there is for walking and the kids are on their bicycles and can be on the edges without danger.
• Gusto: Me gusta que ay...

admin wrote a review for GRAND CANAL LINEAR PARK
- 02 Sep 2016

• Like: That it is in front of the houses.
• Gusto: Que esta al frente de las casas.

• Dislike: Too small
• Disgusto: Muy...

admin wrote a review for CIELITO PARK
- 02 Sep 2016

• Like: It is big lots of trees shades rides for small ones and big ones.
• Gusto: Es grande muchos arboles sombras juegos para chicos y...